Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Whinging & Movies

Busy, busy, busy.


Anyone else ready for nap time?
Last weekend I was down with some kind of mild mannered crud. Just sick enough to ruin each and every moment of consciousness, not crappy enough for me to ponder if I'm dying. To my relief, it was one of the shortest respiratory illnesses I've ever had and was over in about 72 hours. 
My spirit guide
Fortunately the hubby and I already planned to steer clear of tourist destinations nearby and enjoy a quieter variety of weekend. This, despite my mother's best manipulative pyrotechnics, ended up being a solid weekend of movie watching. 

Streaming, theater, dvd, cable tv, whatever venue is available my husband loves movies. But since we don't always agree on titles to watch together, I kicked off the weekend with Florence Foster Jenkins on my own. This was one I really wanted to like, but I could have done with about 45 minutes less movie. Interesting story. Wonderful actors. I found myself ignoring the movie to look up the real history behind this woman's story and the people in her life. Fascinating. So not loving this movie? A problem with my personal brand of wanting to know more and losing interest because of it. 
Hubby and I caught up together the next day and streamed a movie that shall not be named. The comedy, with actors (mostly) good or great in their own right, was a steaming pile of boring crap. I told my husband not to wake me up if I passed out from being sick. Thankfully, he listened.

The recent remake of Magnificent Seven and the latest Tarzan flick rounded out our movies for the weekend. The former a decent C+ or B- that would have been better in both our humble opinions, by a few minor tweaks to the script. The latter was, in both our humble opinions, quite good and will probably make it's way into our movie collection in the future. As a fan of Mr. Skarsgård, the film didn't need to be good for me to find something to appreciate in it. *cough* But it was good, though not without faults, and kept our attention. 

Monday, February 6, 2017

I've noticed a pattern to my writing over the last year and change. When I'm sucked into creative work to the point of obliviousness to everything else, my blog doesn't just take a back seat, it gets stuffed into a crate and shoved in the trunk. But when I'm struggling with the creative side, I can ramble on (and have) for days with blog posts. The same goes for writing in my journal. Nothing of any substance or wit, but a surrogate pressure valve release nonetheless.
Right now? Creative obsessiveness is on the incline. But here I sit awkwardly hurling words at the screen to keep a semi-regular posting schedule.

Come to think of it, 'awkwardly hurling words' pretty much sums up my approach to most things - verbal or written. I may have unexpectedly stumbled across the perfect phrase for my author's bio.

Changing gears slightly, I'm now about a month in to my little bullet journal experiment. On one hand, I am now more certain that ever that except for keeping track of my older folks' stuff I am so boring I don't really need this variety of journal. On the other hand, for the busy days and weeks and important due dates and deadlines, it's been kind of helpful. Provided I keep up with it. The end of January got away from me. Obsessive writing and a lack of a whole lot to keep track of.

In terms of personal things it can help you manage in one neat, overpriced analog package, I was briefly excited to add an area of character name inspirations and a log of names I've used in the past and which stories they belong to. And then I went right back to using a note app on my phone within a week of adding this section, because it was on hand and convenient when I came across an interesting name. It's not intentional resistance here, more like I'm a creature of habit. I currently carry a small purse with the bare necessities and not a messenger bag with my whole life at my fingertips as I think some who journal the .45 caliber way do. So basically, I'm not hauling this book everywhere I go.

So a current so-so rating on the whole experience. Which is better than I expected starting out.

To the End

When I began this blog 5 years ago, it ended up being a catch-all for whatever slogged through my brain, mostly writing and the difficu...