Now, I had a strong suspicion at the get go that I wasn't going to finish. 2016 being the gift that keeps on giving (rather like an expired jelly of the month club) and all, I wasn't feeling it. This was the first year I did any kind of prep work, basic and quick as it was, and didn't go into the event at the last minute.
I did manage to get some work done, even if I quit counting words part way through the month. I did manage to make progress on something I still want to finish and make a complete work out of. So while I'm loath to admit (or subconsciously relishing and wallowing in) defeat, at least I broke out of months-long creative block (and general blah disposition about life in general - though that's still there). When I don't write for prolonged periods of time, it's like holding my breath. For a ridiculously long time. For no good reason. With no positive outcome in sight.
So to those who finished, congrats! Be proud of the effort you've put into your goal. Take a moment to celebrate.
With the great feasting holiday behind us (Anybody else find the idea of celebrating the occasion of Native Americans saving the starving butts of the Pilgrims in a meal involving unity a little hard to stomach this year because at the moment Native people are being blasted with water cannons as a result of peaceful and understandable protest? Not to mention the countless acts of savagery committed against them, but I digress.) depending on the level of leftovers and house guests you've got at the moment it's time to look ahead.
Ahead can be towards the next level holiday (your choice of many in the coming month) that will besiege us all with gift-giving quandaries, more family time and trying to find the right balance of caffeine, booze, meditation, and anxiety-fueled house cleaning to help us navigate this most festive of seasons.
Ahead can be seeing 2017 fast approaching and realizing that regardless of the shit storm that was 2016 for so very many of us, we live to see the rebirth of fresh promise. Or even just that we made it through the bizarro, comic book level-drama that has been 2016.
Ahead can even be as simple as taking a deep breath and facing tomorrow. Regrouping from today's struggle and giving what you've got to keep on going.