There seems to be no end to the helpful tips for writers. "Cut these 6 words to be a better writer." "The secret to finishing 3 bestsellers a year." "Only assholes don't know these super editing tips." "Words only people who drool would dare type."
I mean, does this get on anyone else's nerves? Am I the only one whose eyes roll when they see what I consider writing clickbait at best and high horse bullshit on the whole?
I just want to get the damn story out. I just want to purge myself of the characters like I'm on a cleanse. I want borderline coherence, something I can work with hopefully once the basics are covered. That's really where I'm at as a general rule. Exasperated with this idea of trying to spit shine a drippy lump of clay. Let's pour extra anxiety alllll over expressing yourself by nitpicking from the word go.
Do any of these tips to get in touch with your inner Pulitzer winner do a damn thing other than generate web traffic or $$ if you buy what they're selling?
This mini-rant was brought to you by a 3 minute escapade on Pinterest. While waiting for tonight's vegetable du jour to finish cooking, I took a quick peek at everyone's favorite save-all-the-ideas site to see if anything interesting grabbed my attention and needed to be pinned. A recipe I'd never make or a craft that costs $45 and involves 15 toilet paper rolls and gold leaf. Or, what takes up most of my boards there, anything and everything to do with writing: character fashion, setting inspirations, blog prompts (clearly putting those to no use whatsoever), research, etc. I came across a cute writing meme and before you know it, the interweb algorithms whirred to life and below three recipes for cupcakes and chicken fajitas, were endless improve your writing tidbits.
I made the mistake of finding a few humorous and pinning them, then WHAM! the algorithms kicked in again and offered me every variation of how to write the novel of my dreams.
Ultimately (aside from mini-rants) I file this stuff away in the same way I file away a majority of self-help stuff like "How to lose 5 lbs" "What color to wear after Labor Day" and even "How to properly scrub the grout under your kitchen sink":
Do whatever the heck works for you. Stop stressing about how anybody else thinks you should do something.
Thursday, August 11, 2016
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To the End
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