Monday, February 6, 2017

I've noticed a pattern to my writing over the last year and change. When I'm sucked into creative work to the point of obliviousness to everything else, my blog doesn't just take a back seat, it gets stuffed into a crate and shoved in the trunk. But when I'm struggling with the creative side, I can ramble on (and have) for days with blog posts. The same goes for writing in my journal. Nothing of any substance or wit, but a surrogate pressure valve release nonetheless.
Right now? Creative obsessiveness is on the incline. But here I sit awkwardly hurling words at the screen to keep a semi-regular posting schedule.

Come to think of it, 'awkwardly hurling words' pretty much sums up my approach to most things - verbal or written. I may have unexpectedly stumbled across the perfect phrase for my author's bio.

Changing gears slightly, I'm now about a month in to my little bullet journal experiment. On one hand, I am now more certain that ever that except for keeping track of my older folks' stuff I am so boring I don't really need this variety of journal. On the other hand, for the busy days and weeks and important due dates and deadlines, it's been kind of helpful. Provided I keep up with it. The end of January got away from me. Obsessive writing and a lack of a whole lot to keep track of.

In terms of personal things it can help you manage in one neat, overpriced analog package, I was briefly excited to add an area of character name inspirations and a log of names I've used in the past and which stories they belong to. And then I went right back to using a note app on my phone within a week of adding this section, because it was on hand and convenient when I came across an interesting name. It's not intentional resistance here, more like I'm a creature of habit. I currently carry a small purse with the bare necessities and not a messenger bag with my whole life at my fingertips as I think some who journal the .45 caliber way do. So basically, I'm not hauling this book everywhere I go.

So a current so-so rating on the whole experience. Which is better than I expected starting out.

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To the End

When I began this blog 5 years ago, it ended up being a catch-all for whatever slogged through my brain, mostly writing and the difficu...