Saturday, July 16, 2016

Potpourri for 200

Answer: List of random topics compiled together for lack of a unifying topic.
Question: What is today's blog post?

I'll kick things off with the fact that I should really be in bed right now. Which is fairly accurate for most of the times I write blog posts. This week I have had a gnarly case of insomnia. Up at the butt crack of dawn and not so much as a yawn come 3 AM. Towards the end of the week I started gaining ground on this, but my hubby and I were out l-a-t-e Friday night and I was exhausted tonight after an errand-filled Saturday so I passed out for an unexpected nap. And woke up at bedtime. Shit.
Being unable to function tired aside, in my defense not long after I fell asleep, girl dog freaked out from some serious thunder and uncharacteristically jumped up to snuggle in beside me. I defy you not to get all next level comfortable when a hound dog gets cuddly-needy.
This is becoming a new issue around my house. The divine Miss M, she was a touch skittish during thunderstorms or fireworks the first year after we adopted her. Her anxiety seemed to disappear with the batting of her diva-level lashes, and she slept through anything except the opening of a bag with food in it. With our elder statesman gone now, she has become downright terrified during intense storms and the recent Independence Day fireworks. She is an exceptionally elfin and docile sphinx of a thing who has not so much as growled or snapped and is mainly a danger to lizard tails, frogs and squirrels. Tonight, she tried to knock my bedroom door down to get to me. My hubby, in the midst of a work project (thus why the door was closed) had to let her in since between my $10 headphones and coma-like slumber I was oblivious to her distress. I woke up to a furry, four-legged growth with space heating capabilities attached to my side. Bless her sweet, twitchy heart. As soon as the storm was over & I was awake, she was out the door and stretched out in her regal pose on the couch.

Up next in my random assortment of topics is what I'm most excited about for this weekend.
Sunday  morning, we're off to see the new Ghostbusters. I am super excited. Love, love, love me some Ghostbusters. (Yes, even the second one. Get over it.) The original Ghostbusters is one of the first movies I remember going to the theater to see. The only memory I have of the experience was the librarian scene and I F-R-E-A-K-E-D out. Covered my face in terror, turned to my parents for comfort, scared poopless. To this day, despite having seen so many ghost movies and shows, that scene makes me squirm in anticipation at the memory of 4 year old me being properly spooked. I'm so ready. Also, if I'm being completely honest, Thor in nerd glasses? Hubba, hubba.
And finally, I loaded up on the bandwagon and just downloaded Pokemon Go.
As I mentioned when I discussed Camp NaNoWriMo a few posts ago, I'm not really the kind of person who joins in and does things. At least not without a lot of dragging my heels and making the whole thing awkward. I tend to avoid books and movies that 'everyone' tells you that you 'have to' read/watch. I'm usually let down. But in the interest of exploration (and since I can easily delete the app in a week after not catching a single thing) I got the app, created a poke-account and away we go.


  1. Gooooood Morning =D You know, I never knew there was such hatred of the second GB movie. I love it just as much as the first! I hear this one is a reboot and I'm not a fan. I was hoping for a sequel but...I might give it a shot. I look forward to your thoughts on it.

    1. There's a lot of coffee required for it to be that good of a morning. ;-)


To the End

When I began this blog 5 years ago, it ended up being a catch-all for whatever slogged through my brain, mostly writing and the difficu...