Saturday, April 22, 2017

Retreat - AtoZChallenge

'R' is for Retreat, as in a writer's retreat.

I'd love, love, love to participate in and eventually host them.

When you follow authors (in a non-stalkery way) on their social media, you come across all sorts of things that can inspire you. Funny anecdotes. Cute comics. Cuddly pet pics. Even just simple words of encouragement for folks who aspire to a certain amount of success in the publishing field. But one of the things that has really captured my attention has been writing retreats.

Some are hosted by best-selling authors (in locations across the globe) for aspiring folk - at a price. Some are groups of authors getting together to spend a week (or whatever) to dedicate themselves to uninterrupted writing time and author support/commiseration in a fun setting. Shenanigans typical ensue.

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