Saturday, January 2, 2016

2016, year of getting it done

Hello from 2016!

New year, not so new me. Which I'm good with. I'm one of those weird people who, insecurities and low moments aside, am pretty happy with who I am. I'd like to be happier and I'd like to have fewer insecurities and very little in the way of regrets, so that's the kind of thing I think about at the start of a new year. I spend a lot of time with myself; it would be kind of a bummer if I didn't like me. I know too many people who don't like themselves and can't stand the idea of being alone in their own thoughts.

For my 'resolutions', I wanted to do something to keep myself a little more motivated. Two days in and I've kept up with the writing and reading. (No matter how small, I'll take the victory.) I've considered how to force myself to get to bed earlier and still get everything done in my day. (I haven't figured that out yet, so it continues to be a strong contributing factor in my coffee intake. It's also why that wasn't one of my resolutions. Pick your battles.) But I am making midnight my cutoff time for getting 'daily' tasks done - even if I have to take the sick dog out at 2 or 3 or 4 AM.

Almost no one on my personal social media wants updates on how my writing is going. (I put the almost in to give myself some mental wiggle room, and also because if my husband ever gets around to reading this he'll pitch a fit and swear he cares. This scenario is about as likely as a dragon touching down on my front lawn.) Those who feign interest want to know why it takes so long to write a book and don't understand why if I've finished writing a book that it isn't immediately available in paperback at their local discount store.

So, to make a pointless and meandering point short: I'll be keeping track of my goals here.

Jan 1 - 643 words
Jan 2 - 566 words

Naps taken : 0 satisfying, 1 total

Reading : Read both days & went to the bookstore today *happy dance*

Language goal : Bonus level unlocked, new French pastry shop opened nearby.

Coffee consumed: not nearly enough

Positivity: current mood is tired but optimistic


  1. Yay on the word count and bookstore. I went to BAM the other day and got a half off calendar. Woot! Still choosing my purchases carefully witg my B&N christmas gift card. #firstworldproblems I see your husband reads as much of your writing as mine does. Lol. A+ on the dragon reference. Write on my friend, write on.

    1. I got a B&N gift card as well, but I ripped the bandage off that one right after Christmas. I've learned that if I don't then I will never get around to using the gift card. Keeping a running list of books I want on a wishlist helps a bit. My husband will read my writing, but I spooked him early on with a horror story apparently so disturbing that it's left him a little (a lot) wary.


To the End

When I began this blog 5 years ago, it ended up being a catch-all for whatever slogged through my brain, mostly writing and the difficu...