Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Brief update

I'm sure I have something rattling around in my noggin that I'd ordinarily want to purge, but I'm tired with a monster headache brewing. Also, it's chilly and a great night to curl up with a good(ish) book or do some character plotting. Or fart around with a game for a few minutes. Whatever floats your boat. 

I am, headache whining aside, in a pretty good mood after hearing some lovely things about a piece of short fiction I wrote & reading some good fiction from future bestselling authors. One of these days I'm going to have to submit something somewhere once more. Gotta think on that. Gotta get a lot more writing in as well. 

I'm feeling writey (that's a technical term) but I also feel like catching up on some reading or, dare I say it, one of my neglected tv/online shows. I'd hang my head in shame, but I'm partially kind of proud that I don't ordinarily have time to binge watch. It also just feels right that if I have a towering, never ever to be completed to-be-read pile that I have a long list of shows and movies I may never finish either. How are people bored? I don't have enough time to do all the things I'd like to.

Here's the run down:

Writing: Spread across Jan 8-11, I wrote 1968, 514 & 736 words. Lost track of which days those numbers go with, but they still count. 

Naps taken: Still none. This is an annoying trend.

Reading: Finally finished The Girl on the Train, almost done with the other book I'm reading. Another book cued up from the library & going to get back to a book series I'm behind on that I have at home before the next book is released in March. 

Language goal: Still slacking, but did visit the French pastry shop with delightful results AND actually spoke a bit of French with the owner. C'est bon! 

Coffee consumed: hitting this one out of the park - go me!

Positivity: Outlook still optimistic. Thumbs up. 

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To the End

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