Before I attempt to go anywhere with this post let me start with things said by my family in the last few days:
*At dinner with out of town relatives: "How did your dinner taste?" Parent A's reply "Like it was good for me."
*Me coming home after a meeting & seeing my husband eating the casserole I made for dinner: "How is it?" Husband "It'd be better without the vegetables in it."
If I don't start writing this stuff down, I'm losing material for later.
I've been spinning my wheels a little the last week and some change. I haven't written a bit, but I have been reading. In my defense, I've been sick, so focus and mental acuity have fled the building. I got worse before I got better, but I think I'm finally *knock on wood, sage the house, sprinkle everyone with holy water & spray the next person who sneezes or coughs near me with Lysol* on the mend. Which is a relief considering yesterday when my husband asked how I was feeling I replied, "Like I should have had tubes put in my ears." I've already mentally written an excuse note to myself about being AWOL on my to-do list. But it is time to get back to it.
Just because my eyes and nose are crusted over, I'm hacking up parts of my liquefied lungs, everything made of bone or muscle a-c-h-e-s in the worst way and I can't hardly draw breath through even one nostril, doesn't mean my imagination has taken a sick day. Quite the contrary. While I am a grumpy mess unable to get comfortable no matter what, I am fielding story ideas and plot suggestions and character development like crazy. Very little comes of any of that, as I'm foggy and cantankerous and achy and the thought of staring at a monitor makes my eyes seal shut. By the time I'm feeling slightly more human, I'm jonesing to make notes on whatever I'm able to remember.
I've also fallen egregiously behind on coffee drinking. Perhaps the most despicable of all the permutations of generic illness: lack of interest, willingness and or ability to make or go out and get coffee. Despite only being a coffee drinker for almost a year, this most of all worried my family.
Today, I read, I'm writing and I had an extra dose of life affirming coffee.
There has been some cool stuff bracketing this sick nonsense. Writing group/friends/people/humans/bipeds/vertebrates went on a local boat tour. Perfect weather, comfortable vessel. They could have cranked up Jimmy Buffet, passed out iced tea and just done a few laps around the lake and I would have been happy. It was a good time for sure. Also, we all zeroed in on the perfect serial killer death shack. Because that's what happens when writers get together. Innuendo and death. Two of us later went to see one of the Best Picture nominees, Spotlight. Incredible movie. I can't even begin to articulate the emotional response I had. (I see a consistent problem with my inability to use words to describe situations and things and my desire to write...) There was another outing planned, but it was called on account of ridiculously frigid weather. There may or may not have been pancakes instead. And then today, I got free tickets to an advanced screening of a comedy my husband & I were thinking of going to see when it comes out.
Writing: Nada for a week +
Naps taken: 2 for the year, I think. Very disappointing.
Reading: Finished 2 library books, almost done with a 3rd just in time to pick up a newish Stephen King book from the library. I'm kind of in a dark, twisty, introspective reading vein. This will give way to more genres the more I read, but right now it just feels good. I'm going with it.
Language: Aw, shucks. I've got no excuses except a shitty memory and allowing myself to get distracted. I have actually begun to follow a few YouTube language guides, but I'll do more when I load some podcasts that I can listen to no matter what I'm doing.
Coffee: Haven't had any in more than a week, so I took a flying leap off the unintentional wagon and grabbed a venti on the way to critique group. And I enjoyed each and every sip of it.
Positivity: I always feel pressure when I'm sick, but even more so when I start to feel better. There's so much that needs to get done, that I couldn't get to or forgot to take care of. So I feel a little under pressure now to make sure I catch up, BUT I still feel overwhelmingly like everything's good and there is some awesomely amazing, great stuff on the way. Which is a nice change from how I felt yesterday:
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To the End
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