Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Vacation - V

If you could go anywhere, experience anything, do whatever your heart desired (even if it was nothing at all), if money, health and time were no object where would you go?

Maybe this?
Here? That's a no for me, BTW.
Oh yeah, that's the stuff...
I could go on. The African savanna? A Buddhist monastery? Reef Diving? Reading Jane Austen in a cozy cottage? Base jumping? Scurrying around abandoned movie sets or ghost towns?

There's a meme (one of billions it seems) making its way around the interwebs about living a life you don't have to take a vacation from. That's a fantastic idea. In theory. But for those of us with one foot solidly in responsibility land and one foot desperate to hurdle us into our next adventure, I say there's nothing wrong departing the everyday. I appreciate routine, some days more than others, which makes me appreciate those special trips all the more.

Not that I wouldn't love the opportunity to hop from place to place. But that's not exactly the point I'm sort of going for.

Dream big. And travel to me is one of best ways to see the progression of dreams from inception to reality.

Somehow, I've managed to see some really cool places. I couldn't always tell you how I pulled it off, but it happened. Sometimes I want a grand adventure.

But, and perhaps this is the reader in me, sometimes I want to escape completely.
Yeah, kind of like that.
Ability to travel and take vacations comes and goes. Last year was a travel year. This year we're sticking pretty close to home. But the desire doesn't waver. W may be for wanderlust. And that's not to say that I want to run away from my life. (Though there are days...) But there is a world of amazing things to see and do. And then once I've seen some spectacular things, I want to come home and sleep in my bed and shower in my bathroom. 

Because vacation water pressure doesn't work for me, even if the views do. So tell me, where would you like to go?

1 comment:

  1. Here from the A-Z and I have a travel wish list almost as long as the A-Z sign up! Right now Africa and North Am top my priorities.

    Best wishes for going where you want to go and coming back to that comfortable shower,
    Ninja Minion, A-Z 2016


To the End

When I began this blog 5 years ago, it ended up being a catch-all for whatever slogged through my brain, mostly writing and the difficu...